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CSC 143
Computer Programming for Engineers and Scientists

Syllabus for CSC 143 Fall 2023

Meeting times:

T, Th: 10:30 am - 11:35 am in SAM 202
There will be additional lecture videos posted on Canvas.


Zoom office Hours:


François Lepeintre (Francois.Lepeintre@seattlecolleges.edu)

M, W 1:00-2:00 pm, T, Th 2-3 pm (zoom links on Canvas)

(206) 934-5438


Recommended but not required: "Building Java Programs: a back to basics approach" by S. Reges and M. Stepp. Pearson. 4th edition.


CSC142 with 2.0 or better.

Learning outcomes:

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to do the following:

  • Apply Java classes to create event-driven, GUI-based programs with possible stream input/output
  • Apply Object-Oriented Design principles (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism) to software solutions
  • Implement collection classes using different data structures discussed.
  • Evaluate efficiencies of different program designs (algorithms and data).
  • Choose or design appropriate classes and write efficient programs to solve given problems.
  • Document and test programs as prescribed by industry standards.
  • Apply programming concepts to mathematics, modeling, and a broad range of other subjects.

Course Content:

Topics include classes and interfaces, inheritance, graphics, exceptions, stream I/O, recursion, analysis of algorithms, and some dynamic structures (lists, stacks, trees). Uses the Java programming language.

This course is designed to continue the study of programming by introducing advanced Java language features and new programming topics. Students will also learn the tools for building efficient software systems: dynamic data allocation, recursion and analysis of algorithms.

Course Format:

We will meet two times a week for an interactive lecture. A lecture is not a monologue on the part of the instructor. Read the text before coming to class and ask questions (if not, I will ask you some).

Additional lectures/exercises videos will be posted on Canvas.

We will cover the class materials using several approaches, namely by going over powerpoint slides, solving paper and pencil exercises, and writing short and medium sized programs.


Quizzes: 25%
Midterms: 45%
Homework: 30%


Quizzes will be a set of about 2 to 4 questions. Expect about 3 quizzes throughout the quarter.

There will be 2 exams.

Quiz and exam dates will be given later in the quarter. There won't be any makeup quiz or exam.


Homework will be assigned about every other week. It will consist of a problem to solve by writing a program.

Though you may discuss how to approach a problem with other students in the class (and I encourage you to do so), your program has to be yours ("yours" will mean a team of two or three students if there is an odd number of students). Never copy down the program of somebody else's and claim it as your own work. This would be an instance of cheating.

Refer to the grading policy for details about how your homework is graded.

You can turn in your work up to two days late. Each late day will result in a loss of 10% on the assignment.


On the resource page, you will find a list of links relevant to the class.

Special Assistance:

Students with documented disabilities who need course accommodations, have emergency medical information, or require special arrangements for building evacuation should contact the instructor within the first two weeks of class.

Title IX:

Seattle Central College seeks to provide an environment that is free of bias, discrimination, and harassment.  If you have been the victim of sexual harassment/misconduct/assault we encourage you to report this. For more information about your options at Seattle Central, please follow this link.

My contract to you!

If you come to class, do your homework and genuinely try to learn the concepts, I promise you to do my best to make your time as valuable as I can!

Miscellaneous items

Click on this link to access valuable information about emergency preparedness, building evacuation, student support services, etc

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