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CSC 142

Computer Programming for Engineers and Scientists

Sample programs shown in class

To download the programs, right click on the links and select Save Link As... (Safari) or Save Target As... (Chrome).

Display a circle in a graphics window: WindowWithCircle.java

A graphics window with two circles: SomeGraphics.java

Designing classes: LibraryMember.java, Book.java, TestForLibraryMember.java

Binary representation of a number: BinarySystem.java

Standard I/O: InputOutput.java

Loops: Loops.java

Arrays (1D): Arrays.java

Overloading: Calculator.java, Circle.java, Square.java, Triangle.java

public static void main: Salutations.java

inheritance: BankAccount.java, CheckingAccount.java, SavingsAccount.java

interfaces: BusinessContact.java, Customer.java, Provider.java, TestCustomerAndProvider.java

Sorting (there are more algorithms than what we covered in class): SortingAlgorithms.java