Welcome Page
Daily schedule (lectures, labs, and assignments)
Homework assignments
Copies of the powerpoint slides
Programs shown in class
Class organization
Find out how your homework is graded
Some links relevant to the class
CSC142 icon
CSC 142

Computer Programming for Engineers and Scientists


Winter 25 schedule:

T, Th 9:15 am -10:20 am in SAM 202
Additional lecture videos posted on Canvas.


Office hours:


François Lepeintre (Francois.Lepeintre@seattlecolleges.edu)

M, W 9:30-10:20 am (zoom link is on Canvas), T,Th: 12:10 - 1:00 pm in SAM 205

(206) 934-5438

Welcome to the CSC 142 web site! The purpose of this website is to serve as an informational site and a site of interaction. I will be posting basic information about the class, useful resources for you on the World Wide Web etc...

You can contribute to the course by giving me feedback about the class. If you have any specific comments or questions, send them to me. I will try my best to incorporate your input in my teaching.

Explore. Feel at home. And most of all, be sure to share with me questions, remarks, suggestions about this web page!